In most cases, your Pittsburgh home will stay warm throughout the winter without issue. Sometimes, however, your furnace could stop working for several reasons. At Jacob Heating & Cooling, we’ve put together some of the most common furnace issues and what you can do to get your furnace back up and running.
If the gas line is closed, then the furnace isn’t receiving any fuel and will not be able to generate heat. Be sure to check that the gas valve on the line is open.
Your heat exchanger transfers the heat from combustion to the air, but over time, cracks and other damage can cause the furnace to consume more and more energy. When the heat exchanger is cracked, the combustion fume accumulates and can lead to dangerous carbon monoxide leaks. Signs that the heat exchanger is cracked include:
This is extremely dangerous, so it is important that you have an HVAC technician with Jacob Heating & Cooling immediately come out to check to see if the heat exchanger is what is causing your furnace issues.
If your air filter is clogged, then the airflow through your furnace is restricted, which can lead to overheating. This can also lead to the safety switch shutting off the unit when it reaches a higher temperature.
If your furnace is malfunctioning, check the air filter. Replace the filter if it is dirty and covered in debris. After replacing, give the unit time to cool down and then restart the furnace.
Check to make sure your thermostat is working properly by checking that it is set to heat and set at least five degrees higher than your current room temperature. If that doesn’t work, replace the batteries in your thermostat.
In some cases, electromechanical thermostats require dusting on the inside, which can be done with a soft paintbrush. You also want to look at where your thermostat is located to ensure that it isn’t receiving a false reading from the sunlight, space heaters, ovens, lamps, or other sources of heat.
Look at the switch near the furnace and make sure it wasn’t accidentally switched off. If it was switched off, flip it back on and see if that resolves the issue. If not, you will have to check the circuit breaker.
Check the labels on the breaker box to see if the HVAC breaker is on. If it is off, switch it back on. If your breaker box isn’t labeled, look for the switch that is facing the opposite direction of the rest of the switches.
To reset the breaker, be sure to flip the switch off until you hear a click and then flip it back on. If you have a fuse box, look for any melted or discolored fuses. Unscrew and replace the fuse with the same exact type and size.
After you’ve tried one of these methods, switch the furnace on and see if it is working. If it is not, and the breaker is still tripping, or the power is still out, you will need to contact a professional for assistance.
Airflow can become blocked by a clogged air filter, but it can also be blocked by rugs, furniture, or items stored around the furnace, which can lead to overheating and cause the unit to shut off.
After checking the air filter, you also want to make sure the items around the furnace are moved away. It is recommended that you keep at least a 6-foot clearance. You will also want to check that all your vents are open and unblocked to allow air to flow.
Throughout the lifespan of your furnace, the burners will collect rust and dirt that can reduce your heat output. Check your burners for dirt and rust. If they need to be cleaned, you can complete the cleaning by:
The furnace issues mentioned above are just a few of several issues that can occur with your furnace and cause you to lose heat. We recommend calling our team of professionals to resolve any furnace issues you may be having. Our experienced team has the knowledge, tools, and quality replacement parts to get the job done right. Contact us today to learn more!